Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No inspiration

Hi everyone,

Really have no idea what to write about today, work is such a drag this week and I feel like I really need a holiday! I don't mind my job, but sometimes it's so much of the same thing and the week seems to go on forever making you all bleh, for lack of a better word.

I could really use a vacation, or a fun day-trip, away from the usual things, that would definitely lift up my spirits. I've got my vacation in September to Spain all booked and ready, which will be lots of fun, but it's still a looooong while away. Looking forward to it though, haven't really been on a proper far away holiday with friends yet, so it'll be a blast. Can't wait to ride off into the sunset on a horseback riding tour (which I really want to do!!). Haven't been on a horse in years, but it's like riding a bicycle, right?? :p

Oh and it's almost my birthday, 20th of June everyone! Unfortunately it's on a Monday, which rather sucks, I'll get to spend my birthday doing accounts, fun! Hopefully I'll be able to do something special in the weekend (not likely) but one can hope! And the weather has been pretty nice, trying to force myself to sit in the glaring sun to get used to the heat, for my trips this year :D So far so good! But I just hate the whole sweating part :D and the sticky sunblock, and the smell of the sunblock and the feeling of the sun glaring on your head.. I'm going to need one giant parasol.

Sigh, why is the week going so slow and collegue not saying a word again, gah.

Definitely need to get away soon! Random roadtrip, go to a theme park or even the zoo. Something!!!

I'm going to be needing drinks again this weekend, good thing my old friend just called last night for a gettogether.

Until then, here is an inspirational story.

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