Thursday, May 5, 2011

Will I ever see Australia?

No, I don't mean the film (although I've seen it, it's great!). I mean the huge country on the other side of the world, thousands of miles away!
You might have noticed that one of my bucket list items is to go to Australia (mainly to see my long time Australian friend)! He's been asking for years to come and visit, but as it's a huge planeflight away it's not that easy. Difficulties up to now were:
- their summer is our winter, and back in the day our winter was exam time and in our summer he has no holiday
- it is very expensive and will probably cost a few thousand euro, with the flight, accommodation, food, drinks, etc..
- Finding nobody to come with me
- My mom freaking out over the idea of me going there alone

As my situation has changed and I'm now out of college and working, the money issue has been resolved, YAY! Problem nr three and problem nr four are unfortunately still an issue. I had hoped to go with a friend, but as she lives by herself she was not able to say yes in the end due to the high costs :( Mom still is an unhappy camper about me flying there alone and is inventing all sorts of scenarios, like my friend might abandon me there, then what! or I might get attacked at airport while transferring in foreign country, then what! or something happens and everyone is on other side of world, then what! le SIGH. Mothers.

Also an issue is if work would allow me to take perhaps three weeks off in a row. I guess two weeks could work, but for a nearly 24 hour plane journey, I want some decent time there and do lots of exploring. It might be possible, I haven't really asked yet, so it might not be an issue after all.

I would really LOVE to go in the not so far future though, the timing would be great. Still living at home gives me lots of opportunity to save up a lot of money, I'm not married with kids (which probably complicates 24-hour plane trips) and I've never been outside of Europe and have been dying to get a chance to do so, as everyone around seems to be making far-away trips. And I'm jealous!!

Of course, as it's a gigantic country compared to tiny Belgium, I won't be able to see the whole country. My friend lives in Perth, so Perth it is! Has anyone ever been there? If so, tell me what it was like! It is of course a giant city, but as I'd have a guide, I'd be able to do lots of exploring and see amazing things that you can't find in Europe. At the time my friend was still game I did lots of research about nearby things I wanted to visit. These are some of those places, makes you want to jump on that plane right now don't you think?

Needless to say, I was disappointed when it fell through, but my friend needed the money and it is very expensive. Being broke when you come back is not so fun. Of course I know my Aussi friend would make sure I don't get eaten by snakes and other Australian wildlife, but try and tell that to my mom :p If she doesn't know the person, they are potentially dangerous :D And it's so hard to find someone who's willing to come, my circle of friends is so adventure-lacking.

I do hope I make it some time soon, it would be a dream come true, and such a big adventure! Although I can imagine a 24 hour plane journey by myself might potentially suck big time. And the summer heat there might very well make me unable to move, I'm determined it would be so much fun! I remember presenting an oral assignment (pick a country and talk about it) in the first year of secondary school, and my choice was Australia. It's a sign! Australia should be my first out-of-Europe trip.

I will get there, eventually!

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