Monday, May 16, 2011

Sometimes you just have to go for it

Ever since I was little I was always reluctant to do things by myself. I wanted to do ballet, but none of my friends were doing it, so I never did it because I didn't want to go alone. Same thing happened for music school and various sports I wouldn't have minded doing. When you think back, I'm sure I would have made friends, but being a shy little girl, no way I was going to stand there the first day all awkward. Now I regret that, as I think I would have liked ballet, I was superbendy, full splits and all. And I love graceful sports. Alas, too old now!

But even older you can still miss out on things because you'd rather not be by yourself. I made an attempt to go for it once, when I went on a camp (through my dad's work) to Croatia at 17. I kinda hated it, I got stuck in a room with loud and extremely annoying 15-year old girls (two years really make a big difference at that age) + all we did was lie on the beach, which really, is not why I want to travel so far for. So bad experience. It probably stopped me from making another attempt at adventurousness.

But ever since my sudden thrust into adulthood after graduation I've made a lot of changes. I decided I was not going to let past sad events get in the way of being the me I want to be anymore, and I worked on my shyness. The latter has definitely turned itself around since working at the embassy. If you're dealing with people from all over the world every day, there really is no room for shyness. So bring it on :D
Recently I've also decided I'm just going to go for things, whether I'm alone doing them or not. If not, great, company is always fun, but if I am, who cares! I've had to cancel a lot of ideas because friends cancelled on me or couldn't find time or money, which naturally disappointed me. And right now is such a great time to do the things I want to, I have money, time, and no costs of living alone or supporting a family. I'm not going to live with the parents forever, and living alone will be really expensive, so right now is the time to go for things!

Soooo I'm going to Australia! I've mentioned it a few posts earlier, and guess what! Mom is no longer against it! Hooray! Perhaps my sudden mature self convinced her, but more likely the steady job and the money! I'm not really going to be there alone naturally, as I'd probably get lost; eaten by sharks/snakes/crocodiles or drop bears :p or burn to death. My Australian friends will be forced to take care of me and make sure I'm returned safely to my dear worried mommy. It is of course one giant plane trip by myself, I will have to make a stop at least once. For someone who has never flown further than Ireland, that is a loooooooong journey. But it will do me good I think, I've always loved the idea of travelling and being adventurous, so now I'll get a chance to prove to myself I can do it and have lots of fun doing it!
I'm expecting to go at the end of the year, if all goes as planned, which is not too far away :) But I'll need to arrange a lot of things, as cheap as possible plane tickets (does anyone know a good website for that), a passport, a visa, really light clothes (dear lord let it be a cool summer, but of course with my luck it will be 40 degrees at least :p am going to die!) and a translation of my drivers license. Yup I might even be driving as my friends there don't have a car, or a license for that matter. So I might also die driving in a huge city on the left side of the road !! scary stuff. But I want to explore so car would be fun! better save up!

So in the words of Freddy Mercury:

Don't stop me noooooow

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