Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kids are not dolls

I don't know if any of you heard about that US mother who injects her 8-year old daughter with botox to make her pretty for pageants and to not get wrinkles, but dear lord it's really making me wonder what the world is coming to! How totally messed up is this mother that she actually thinks an 8-year old would have any need of botox and to subject her little girl to the pain of having shots in her face! To make it even worse, the girl is totally brainwashed and actually believes she has wrinkles and states she wants a nose and boob job as soon as she's old enough. No 8-year old wants a boobjob, this is clearly something her mother whispered in her ear.
And when I read the article online, some women were even commenting that it was an outrage this poor woman was being punished for wanting her daughter to look good and grow up not ugly and that she's only trying to help her daughter to be successful and good-looking later on. Crazy!!

Who does that? Well, thanks to publicity, the mother has been investigated and her daughter has been taken away from her for the time being. A bit traumatic for the girl, but maybe for the best for now. I know a lot of people pass their own insecurities over to their children and often urge them to do things they always wanted to do, but this is really a prime example of how children are being pushed to grow up prematurely.

Don't even get me started on all those weird pageants. I've watched Toddlers and Tiaras on occasion and those kids always scared the bejesus out of me. They look like they've been photoshopped, it's incredibly creepy. How can the parents not see that they are sexualizing their children with all those weird dance moves and the bucket loads of make-up, sprayed- on tans, bleached teeth.. Can they just not have them prance around looking like kids? Children are gorgeous, why do they need to look like tiny bimbo adults?
I mean just look at it!

I know most of the parents mean no harm and just want to dolly up their girls and show them off, but this is really teaching their kids to be superficial. Many of those girls will grow up to be really spoiled after all the bucket loads of money spent on their pageant stuff. They're the type of girls who are super self-conscious and obsessed with their looks and get plastic surgery because this or this isn't perfect. And frankly, the whole pageant industry is really exploiting all these freaky parents, forcing them to pay thousands of dollars to have their daughter prance around, in the hopes that she'll be famous one day.

Also, have you seen the faces of those girls when they don't win a thing. Very confidence inducing for them. Being compared on beauty contest with other girls and losing must be fun for them. I'm really glad this crazy thing doesn't happen in Belgium, or it at least doesn't go as far.

Why not just let your kids play around outside and get dirty, scrape a knee and have some fun! That's what's so fun about being a kid. Who cares about being 'poised' at 8? Or what is all that crap about padded bras and g-strings for little girls. Who buys that?
And as a parent don't you want your little girl to be confident and feel great about herself, rather then being obsessed about weight and appearance and looking hot? Really, these sort of things is why eating disorders are only increasing. Believe me, I never had great self confidence and I struggled with it for a long while, but now I feel good about who I am. Nonetheless, I know what it's like, hence the tirade.

Kids should be like this:

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