The children are busy making a paper circus train, describing their favorite animals as they go. One boy announces he likes elephants; a classmate prefers snow leopards, explaining that they are "white as snow."
It could be a preschool class anywhere, except that the group is unusually small, with just five children, and all are wearing sophisticated electronic devices in their ears.
These children, and others at the Clarke School for Hearing and Speech in Bryn Mawr, are all deaf or hard of hearing. Yet instead of using American Sign Language, all have learned to speak, in most cases aided by devices called cochlear implants. All are headed to mainstream kindergarten.
"Listening and speaking are sensory partners of reading and writing," said Judith S. Sexton, director of the school, which also has a Philadelphia campus.
Researchers are still examining how well that theory holds up in the long term, as the first generation of children with cochlear implants enters adulthood. Some do well with the devices, which require surgery and extensive follow-up therapy, while others struggle to adapt.
What's clear is that the implants, two decades after they were first approved for children, have had a big effect on educating the deaf. The devices do not provide normal hearing, but they deliver electrical signals directly to the auditory nerve, enabling the deaf to perceive sound.
With the advent of newborn screening for hearing loss, deaf children are getting the surgery earlier than ever - in some cases even before the federally approved benchmark of 12 months - and evidence suggests they learn to speak better as a result. Meanwhile, with more deaf children in regular public schools, enrollments have declined at traditional schools for the deaf. That has raised concerns for some in the deaf community, a proud group that boasts a rich culture and does not necessarily see hearing loss as a disability needing to be fixed.
There are approaches between the extremes. At the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in Germantown, 30 of the 220 students have implants, and all are taught bilingually, with some classes in English and some in American Sign Language. New Jersey's Katzenbach School for the Deaf in Ewing uses a technique called "total communication," involving the simultaneous use of speech and signs.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Cochlear implants changing deaf education
The intro to a story in the Philadelphia Inquirer. In the picture, Sarah Gross claps out syllables in words while working with Cara Iuliano, a speech and language pathologist at the Clarke School for Hearing and Speech.
Myrtle Beach, SC. restaurant owner arrested for refusing to serve woman with service dog
From Carolina Alive:
A Myrtle Beach restaurant owner was arrested May 27 after police say he refused to serve a woman who was accompanied by a service animal.
Hrachya Avagyan, 28, was arrested by Myrtle Beach police at Seafood World at 411 N. Kings Highway and charged with interfering with the rights of a blind or disabled person.
A police report says the woman called police after Avagyan refused to serve her on grounds the restaurant is private property and has a sign posted that says 'No Dogs'. Upon arrival, she told police she attempted to give Avagyan the dog's paperwork, but he refused to look at it. The dog had a 'Service Animal' vest on and was properly certified.
Grand Strand service dog advocates say the Americans with Disabilities Act is well understood by most business owners today, as it relates to disabled people with service animals.
Marianna Thompson of Surfside Beach (pictured) has been a trainer for Carolina Canines, a non-profit group based in Wilmington, NC that places service dogs with disabled people in the Carolinas.
Thompson said it's rare to see business owners who resist allowing dogs on their premises.
"As service dogs became more used and there was more information about service dogs, it's happened less and less."
But Thompson, who used a service dog herself for many years due to debilitating muscle diseases that weakened her body, said on rare occassions, she was confronted by a restaurant or hotel owner ignorant of the law.
"Sometimes, they will ask and say to me, you don't look disabled, in which case I say thank you, and I say that this is a dog to assist me with my disability and that's as far as you're allowed to ask."
The law doesn't require a disabled person to reveal his or her disability and the service animal is not required to wear a vest or any other identification.
Thompson said some business owners refuse service dogs simply because they don't like animals.
"Not everyone feels that an animal should be in a restaurant and it's something that it's just going to take time to change. Most of us keep our animals extremely clean and I would dare say a lot cleaner than a lot of children."
There is at least one exception to the ADA law, according to Rick Kaplan of North Myrtle Beach, president of Canine Angels, Inc., which provides free service dogs to disabled veterans.
"If your dog misbehaves in any way, you can be asked to leave," Kaplan said, though he said that's rare, because service dogs are usually well-trained and well-behaved.
Kaplan said he's taken his service dogs to many different businesses and venues, including symphony concerts in New York, with few problems. Kaplan said the federal ADA law supercedes any other state or local laws that business owners may cite.
"The way I read it is, if you have a service dog, that dog has every right you have," to enter a business, Kaplan said.
Thompson said she tries to be an ambassador for service dogs, to make compliance with the ADA law easier for business owners and the disabled.
"I always wanted my dog to be well-behaved, well-groomed, so that everyone else has it easier who goes behind me," Thompson said.
British girl wants to follow in the track blades of Paralympian Oscar Pistorious
From The Daily Mail in the UK:
An amputee who was encouraged by a Paralympic star to fulfil her dreams of running again finally got to meet her hero.
Danielle Bradshaw, 12, (pictured) who had her damaged leg amputated last year set her sights on competing at the Rio Games in 2016 after hearing about Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius (pictured).
The schoolgirl met the 24-year-old South African athlete nicknamed the 'blade runner' and shared her experiences at a stadium in Manchester.
Danielle, from Newton in Hyde, was born with a dislocated knee and hips and chose to have her useless right leg amputated last year.
Since then she has gone from strength to strength and has now set her sights on competing in the next summer games.
Danielle said: 'Meeting him has made me more determined to do well in sport - I want to be like him one day.'
The Astley Sports College pupil had wanted to meet Oscar for three years and was granted her wish by organisers of the BT Paralympic World Cup at Sportcity in Manchester.
But she had a shock when Oscar, who has a double amputation, revealed that her story has also helped spur him on.
Oscar, who was born with a congenital foot defect that led to him having both legs amputated, said: 'Danielle's story is incredibly moving - it's been great to meet her.
'She is a real inspiration to me and can fulfil all her dreams.
'She just has to keep training and believing and she will get there.'
The pair even compared prosthetic limbs with the top disabled athlete joking that Danielle's leg is 'cooler' than his famous carbon fibre prosthetic limbs.
Unlike Oscar, Danielle had a healthy left leg but did not want to spend the rest of her life 'dragging the other one' behind her.
Surgeons told her that they could perform a number of operations and skin grafts to save her leg but admitted the limb would be useless so she opted for an amputation last summer.
She now has a false leg and is learning how to run with the help of coach Shelley Holroyd, a Salford-born javelin thrower who competed internationally for 17 years.
Danielle added: 'It was absolutely amazing to meet Oscar - he was very kind to me and I couldn't believe he described me as an inspiration.'
Indiana special ed teacher's comments about students on Facebook upsets parents
From The Indy Channel:
BAINBRIDGE, Ind. -- A special education teacher's Facebook comments have incensed parents and prompted an investigation by the school district.
Amber Russell, a teacher at North Putnam Middle School, posted on Facebook, "I love dumb people. I call it job security," along with "5+1=Freedom from the Hell hole" and "I feel sorry for preachers and teachers. No matter hard they work, there's always an incoming batch of sinners and dumb people."
Although Russell's Facebook wall is private, parents who were Facebook friends with her copied the comments, 6News' Kara Kenney reported.
"I don't want the kids to think that about themselves, because it's not true. I think it's totally uncalled for," said Paula Shepherd, whose son is in Russell's class.
The parents demanded answers from school board members and administrators, who held an emergency meeting Friday to discuss the matter.
"Obviously, she doesn't want to be there," said Tasha Leonard, whose son, who has ADHD, is in Russell's class. "As a parent, it makes me wonder if she feels comfortable enough to post that on Facebook having 425 friends, what's happening behind closed doors? How is she treating children?"
Superintendent Mary Lovejoy would not allow 6News to attend the meeting. Afterward, she called the Facebook comments unacceptable.
"This situation is going to be carefully investigated and aggressive action is going to be taken under the constraints of the law," Lovejoy said.
The district's employee handbook prohibits harassment or discrimination, including "written or graphic material that defames or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group because of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability."
School Board President Charlie Boller said he supports the investigation.
"It's appalling if this is truly what's going on with certain teachers within our corporation," he said. "Any time there's a negative comment about kids in general and if the kids see that, it'd be hard to go to school. You have to be in a good frame of mind and in a positive environment to get educated."
Parents 6News spoke with said the comments should cost Russell her job.
"I think they need to get to get rid of her, and if she really feels that way, she needs to find a new profession," Leonard said.
"I just don't think it's right," Shepherd said. "I don't think the kids should be discriminated like that."
Lovejoy would not say if Russell would be disciplined, but said teachers should be held to a higher standard.
"We are professional educators, and we need to be very cautious about what we say on Facebook," she said. "Of course, we all have freedom of speech, but we need to be very aware of how we represent ourselves to parents, students and the community."
Russell did not respond to a phone call and email seeking comment Friday.
The Indiana State Teachers Association represents teachers in North Putnam, but a spokesperson for ISTA was unavailable Friday.
Locations like Joplin, Missouri are deep in recovery mode after the deadly and devastating tornados seen earlier this month.
The USAA is handling all homeowner insurance claims, in towns where homes were reduced to literal sticks and dust. The casualty toll was immensely high, and far more people were left with homes that were completely leveled. Although people will rebuild, a USAA employee spoke to press about the services offered to homeowners in the interim:
“These vehicles are on standby for whatever weather-related catastrophe might happen in any part of the country,” says Clayton Allen with USAA. “We’ve got our own power here, we’ve got the ability if members need to recharge their phones, if they need to recharge laptops, something like that. They need to recover and they have the ability to do that here.”
However, the Detroit Free Press points out that insurance companies aren’t your friends- and while it’s good to avail yourself of offered services when disaster strikes, it also pays to periodically examine the details of your policy, just in case:
Thousands of families in Joplin, Tuscaloosa and other tornado-stricken communities have seen their homes flattened and the contents destroyed. And sadly, many of these homeowners will soon discover that their insurance won’t cover all of their rebuilding costs… The good news is that typical homeowners insurance covers damage from tornadoes. Other natural disasters, such as floods and earthquakes, aren’t covered under standard policies. But while 96% of homeowners have insurance, 64% of homes are undervalued for insurance purposes, according to a 2008 study by Marshall & Swift, a research firm.
This season, a small episode arc of the Hurricane Katrina-themed HBO hit Treme deals with insurance woes after large scale disasters.
The USAA is handling all homeowner insurance claims, in towns where homes were reduced to literal sticks and dust. The casualty toll was immensely high, and far more people were left with homes that were completely leveled. Although people will rebuild, a USAA employee spoke to press about the services offered to homeowners in the interim:
“These vehicles are on standby for whatever weather-related catastrophe might happen in any part of the country,” says Clayton Allen with USAA. “We’ve got our own power here, we’ve got the ability if members need to recharge their phones, if they need to recharge laptops, something like that. They need to recover and they have the ability to do that here.”
However, the Detroit Free Press points out that insurance companies aren’t your friends- and while it’s good to avail yourself of offered services when disaster strikes, it also pays to periodically examine the details of your policy, just in case:
Thousands of families in Joplin, Tuscaloosa and other tornado-stricken communities have seen their homes flattened and the contents destroyed. And sadly, many of these homeowners will soon discover that their insurance won’t cover all of their rebuilding costs… The good news is that typical homeowners insurance covers damage from tornadoes. Other natural disasters, such as floods and earthquakes, aren’t covered under standard policies. But while 96% of homeowners have insurance, 64% of homes are undervalued for insurance purposes, according to a 2008 study by Marshall & Swift, a research firm.
This season, a small episode arc of the Hurricane Katrina-themed HBO hit Treme deals with insurance woes after large scale disasters.
E Coli
At least 14 people have died from a batch of e-coli infected cucumbers. Authorities in the affected European states are scrambling to contain the virus which the German Institute for Risk Analysis warns is still active.
The enterohaemorrhagic E. coli, known as EHEC, causes watery or bloody diarrhea and can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome, renal failure and death.
The cause of the outbreak has not yet been confirmed.
In Germany, where the highest number of cases has been detected, “customers are very unsettled, particularly as the source has not been found in over a week now,” according to a spokesman for the Verbraucherzentrale association of Germany’s consumer advice centers.
One of the problems is confusion over where to look for information: regional authorities, the Health Ministry, the Robert Koch Institute for disease control and prevention, the German Center for Health Education, the Agriculture and Food Ministry, the European Union?
After Germany’s last major health scare in January, when high levels of carcinogenic dioxins were discovered in certain pork and egg products, the authorities resolved to set up a website to inform the public over future food warnings. But the website,, is not yet ready.
The latest outbreak couldn’t have come at a worse time for Europe’s agriculture as April, May and June are normally peak season for vegetable producers.
According to the German Association for Organizations of Fruit and Vegetable Growers, or BVEO, the industry is losing €4 million to €5 million per day due to the outbreak.
That’s peanuts compared to the hit Spain’s agricultural industry is taking, which Spanish Agricultural Minister Rosa Aguilar estimates is more than €200 million a week.
Germany initially said Spain was the site of the infection, however that claim was thrown into doubt Thursday when health officials in Hamburg said the strain found on the Spanish cucumbers was not the strain which infected hundreds of people.
Large supermarket chains such as Lidl and Metro have stopped selling Spanish cucumbers, and a spokesman for Metro said there has been a “considerable drop” in sales of produce from Spain generally.
In the short term, analysts don’t expect the infection to have much of an effect on retailers’ overall earnings, as salad is such a small part of their sales.
However shoppers are increasingly asking after the origin of products in Metro stores, a spokesman for the store said.
A spokesman for Germany’s Alliance of Organic Food Businesses said even though it’s too early to measure the sales impact on organic food as a whole, although shoppers are noticeably more reluctant to buy tomatoes, cucumbers and salads.
Until consumers get clarity on the source of the deadly bug, they’re likely to remain highly cautious about what goes into their shopping baskets.
The enterohaemorrhagic E. coli, known as EHEC, causes watery or bloody diarrhea and can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome, renal failure and death.
The cause of the outbreak has not yet been confirmed.
In Germany, where the highest number of cases has been detected, “customers are very unsettled, particularly as the source has not been found in over a week now,” according to a spokesman for the Verbraucherzentrale association of Germany’s consumer advice centers.
One of the problems is confusion over where to look for information: regional authorities, the Health Ministry, the Robert Koch Institute for disease control and prevention, the German Center for Health Education, the Agriculture and Food Ministry, the European Union?
After Germany’s last major health scare in January, when high levels of carcinogenic dioxins were discovered in certain pork and egg products, the authorities resolved to set up a website to inform the public over future food warnings. But the website,, is not yet ready.
The latest outbreak couldn’t have come at a worse time for Europe’s agriculture as April, May and June are normally peak season for vegetable producers.
According to the German Association for Organizations of Fruit and Vegetable Growers, or BVEO, the industry is losing €4 million to €5 million per day due to the outbreak.
That’s peanuts compared to the hit Spain’s agricultural industry is taking, which Spanish Agricultural Minister Rosa Aguilar estimates is more than €200 million a week.
Germany initially said Spain was the site of the infection, however that claim was thrown into doubt Thursday when health officials in Hamburg said the strain found on the Spanish cucumbers was not the strain which infected hundreds of people.
Large supermarket chains such as Lidl and Metro have stopped selling Spanish cucumbers, and a spokesman for Metro said there has been a “considerable drop” in sales of produce from Spain generally.
In the short term, analysts don’t expect the infection to have much of an effect on retailers’ overall earnings, as salad is such a small part of their sales.
However shoppers are increasingly asking after the origin of products in Metro stores, a spokesman for the store said.
A spokesman for Germany’s Alliance of Organic Food Businesses said even though it’s too early to measure the sales impact on organic food as a whole, although shoppers are noticeably more reluctant to buy tomatoes, cucumbers and salads.
Until consumers get clarity on the source of the deadly bug, they’re likely to remain highly cautious about what goes into their shopping baskets.
Andy Murray
For Andy Murray, this was the comeback within the comeback, the improbable escape within the improbable escape, as he worked his way back from trailing 2-5 in this afternoon's one-set denouement with Serbia's Viktor Troicki to reach the quarter-finals of the French Open.Resuming a match that had had been suspended overnight because of darkness, Murray came within two points of being eliminated from the Bois de Boulogne.
To call this a one-set, lunchtime 'shoot-out' would be to risk making this sound too cold and clinical, and it was certainly none of those things. This was a messy, uneven, ragged, extraordinary conclusion to a five-set, two-day match that Murray won won 4-6, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2, 7-5.
When Troicki was serving for the match at 5-3, and led 30-0 in that game, it seemed as though Murray's next assignment after leaving Court Suzanne Lenglen would be to prepare for the English grass-court season, rather than tomorrow's match at Roland Garros against Juan Ignacio Chela, an unseeded Argentine ranked 34 in the world, with the winner to go through to meet Spain's Rafael Nadal or Sweden's Robin Soderling.
On Monday evening, Murray had been two sets down and then a break down in the third, yet he rode out problems with his ankle and his mental approach to level the fourth-round match before it was stopped for the day because of the fading light, and when they returned to play a fifth set, he turned it around to win the last five games.
Though Murray was undoubtedly helped by a nervous Troicki fading away towards the close of this piece, this was a match that will be remembered for the way that Murray refused to countenance the idea that his clay-court season was over, and that he should start thinking about the grass.
So Murray is into the last eight at the French Open for the second time in his career, the previous occasion having been a couple of years ago when he was beaten by Chile's Fernando Gonzalez. Murray will probably never have a better opportunity to reach the semi-finals at this tournament than a match against Chela, who lost to Tim Henman in the last eight here seven years ago.
The first break of the fifth set came in the sixth game, which started with a strange episode involving one of the ball-kids. Troicki was about to hit an overhead when he realised there was a ball-boy getting under his feet – the confused teenager had thought the ball was going out, and had come to fetch it.
Troicki carried on with his shot and struck a winner and was enraged when the umpire decided that the point should be replayed. Perhaps, if Murray had been sporting, he could have given Troicki that point.
Even so, Troicki broke in that game when he forced an error, and then held serve to establish a 5-2 lead. Though Murray had had breakpoint opportunities on Troicki's serve up to that stage, the Serbian had played well on all three of them.
Serving to stay in the tournament at 2-5, Murray held to love, but when Troicki then reached 30-0 in the next game, it seemed as though it would be the Eastern European who would have the winner's task of signing his name on a camera lens. But Troicki lost his serve by putting a drop-shot in the net.
Murray would break Troicki again for 6-5, and then, on his fourth match point, he smoked a superb cross-court backhand winner. Murray is still in the French Open. Just.
To call this a one-set, lunchtime 'shoot-out' would be to risk making this sound too cold and clinical, and it was certainly none of those things. This was a messy, uneven, ragged, extraordinary conclusion to a five-set, two-day match that Murray won won 4-6, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2, 7-5.
When Troicki was serving for the match at 5-3, and led 30-0 in that game, it seemed as though Murray's next assignment after leaving Court Suzanne Lenglen would be to prepare for the English grass-court season, rather than tomorrow's match at Roland Garros against Juan Ignacio Chela, an unseeded Argentine ranked 34 in the world, with the winner to go through to meet Spain's Rafael Nadal or Sweden's Robin Soderling.
On Monday evening, Murray had been two sets down and then a break down in the third, yet he rode out problems with his ankle and his mental approach to level the fourth-round match before it was stopped for the day because of the fading light, and when they returned to play a fifth set, he turned it around to win the last five games.
Though Murray was undoubtedly helped by a nervous Troicki fading away towards the close of this piece, this was a match that will be remembered for the way that Murray refused to countenance the idea that his clay-court season was over, and that he should start thinking about the grass.
So Murray is into the last eight at the French Open for the second time in his career, the previous occasion having been a couple of years ago when he was beaten by Chile's Fernando Gonzalez. Murray will probably never have a better opportunity to reach the semi-finals at this tournament than a match against Chela, who lost to Tim Henman in the last eight here seven years ago.
The first break of the fifth set came in the sixth game, which started with a strange episode involving one of the ball-kids. Troicki was about to hit an overhead when he realised there was a ball-boy getting under his feet – the confused teenager had thought the ball was going out, and had come to fetch it.
Troicki carried on with his shot and struck a winner and was enraged when the umpire decided that the point should be replayed. Perhaps, if Murray had been sporting, he could have given Troicki that point.
Even so, Troicki broke in that game when he forced an error, and then held serve to establish a 5-2 lead. Though Murray had had breakpoint opportunities on Troicki's serve up to that stage, the Serbian had played well on all three of them.
Serving to stay in the tournament at 2-5, Murray held to love, but when Troicki then reached 30-0 in the next game, it seemed as though it would be the Eastern European who would have the winner's task of signing his name on a camera lens. But Troicki lost his serve by putting a drop-shot in the net.
Murray would break Troicki again for 6-5, and then, on his fourth match point, he smoked a superb cross-court backhand winner. Murray is still in the French Open. Just.
Citizens Bank
A $1,000 reward is being offered for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of two men responsible for robbing Citizens Bank in Grosse Pointe Woods.
Crime Stoppers of Michigan is now offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of two men who robbed Citizens Bank May 18, Grosse Pointe Woods Det. Sgt. Raymond Yonkowski said.
The men entered the bank at Mack Avenue and Stanhope Street shortly before 1 p.m. May 18 toting guns and wearing white cotton masks. One man ordered a teller to the ground, jumped the counter and filled a bag with cash.
The other man ordered a customer who entered the bank during the crime to the ground. No one was injured during the robbery.
Yonkowski said detectives are still investigating the crime and are hopeful the reward will aid in their efforts.
The men drove from the bank in a maroon minivan with a bag full of cash.
The first robber is described as about 5-foot-9 with a medium build, 25 to 35 years old, black with a beard. He was last seen wearing a gray jacket, dark pants and blue Converse All Star tennis shoes.
The second robber is described as about 5-foot-5 with a slim build, 30 to 40 years old and black. He was last seen wearing a red jacket, blue jeans and brown shoes.
Anyone with information is asked to all the Woods detective bureau at 313-343-2412 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAK-UP.
Crime Stoppers of Michigan is now offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of two men who robbed Citizens Bank May 18, Grosse Pointe Woods Det. Sgt. Raymond Yonkowski said.
The men entered the bank at Mack Avenue and Stanhope Street shortly before 1 p.m. May 18 toting guns and wearing white cotton masks. One man ordered a teller to the ground, jumped the counter and filled a bag with cash.
The other man ordered a customer who entered the bank during the crime to the ground. No one was injured during the robbery.
Yonkowski said detectives are still investigating the crime and are hopeful the reward will aid in their efforts.
The men drove from the bank in a maroon minivan with a bag full of cash.
The first robber is described as about 5-foot-9 with a medium build, 25 to 35 years old, black with a beard. He was last seen wearing a gray jacket, dark pants and blue Converse All Star tennis shoes.
The second robber is described as about 5-foot-5 with a slim build, 30 to 40 years old and black. He was last seen wearing a red jacket, blue jeans and brown shoes.
Anyone with information is asked to all the Woods detective bureau at 313-343-2412 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAK-UP.
Powerball Numbers
The Powerball lottery drawing passed on Wednesday night without a winner, so the jackpot for Saturday has risen to an estimated $171 million, with a cash option of $88.7 million.
There was no winner chosen for the 9th consecutive Powerball drawing. Lottery Post reports that six tickets matched the first five numbers without the Powerball to win $200,000, none of them coming from New Jersey.
The game has been around for 23 years now. According to, Powerball was introduced in in 1988 as Lotto America, and became Powerball in 1992.
Powerball was the first lottery drawing to use a two-drum system. Oregon Lottery employee Steve Caputo proposed the idea, to enable both high odds for the top prize and low odds for smaller lottery winnings.
PowerPlay came to the game in March, 2001. For at least $1 extra, players can draw the multipliers of 2X, 3X, 4X, or 5X for smaller prize winning levels.
Before November 1997, jackpot winners could only receive their prizes in annual installments over a 25 year period. The annuity is now available in 30 payments to be made over 29 years.
POWERBALL WINNING NUMBERS FOR MAY 28, 201112, 20, 43, 51, 55 and Powerball 11 (PPx4) reported that Powerball began in New Jersey on January 31st 2010 when Mega Millions reached a cross-selling agreement with the Multi-State Lottery Association which alllowed sales of Powerball in Mega Millions states and Mega Millions in Powerball states.
New Jersey Powerball wins of over $ 599.50 may need to be claimed at New Jersey
Lottery headquarters in Lawrenceville wins a claim form. Wins of a lesser amount can be claimed at your local lottery dealer.
There was no winner chosen for the 9th consecutive Powerball drawing. Lottery Post reports that six tickets matched the first five numbers without the Powerball to win $200,000, none of them coming from New Jersey.
The game has been around for 23 years now. According to, Powerball was introduced in in 1988 as Lotto America, and became Powerball in 1992.
Powerball was the first lottery drawing to use a two-drum system. Oregon Lottery employee Steve Caputo proposed the idea, to enable both high odds for the top prize and low odds for smaller lottery winnings.
PowerPlay came to the game in March, 2001. For at least $1 extra, players can draw the multipliers of 2X, 3X, 4X, or 5X for smaller prize winning levels.
Before November 1997, jackpot winners could only receive their prizes in annual installments over a 25 year period. The annuity is now available in 30 payments to be made over 29 years.
POWERBALL WINNING NUMBERS FOR MAY 28, 201112, 20, 43, 51, 55 and Powerball 11 (PPx4) reported that Powerball began in New Jersey on January 31st 2010 when Mega Millions reached a cross-selling agreement with the Multi-State Lottery Association which alllowed sales of Powerball in Mega Millions states and Mega Millions in Powerball states.
New Jersey Powerball wins of over $ 599.50 may need to be claimed at New Jersey
Lottery headquarters in Lawrenceville wins a claim form. Wins of a lesser amount can be claimed at your local lottery dealer.
PNC Bank has become the latest to accept check deposits from a smartphone or tablet.
The Pittsburgh-based financial institution launched the feature on iOS today. It works by letting users log into their checking or savings account, then taking pictures of the front and back of the check.
The same kind of technology used for ATM deposits analyzes the check to automatically identify its account and routing numbers, as well as the dollar amount. It must be able to identify all of this information or the deposit will be rejected.
PNC, which has been criticized for its anti-consumer attitude and worst-in-class assessment of fees, has been trying to turn its image around. This is the latest move in that direction.
However, PNC isn't the first to offer this service. Chase became the flagship bank when it launched mobile deposits through its iPhone app last year. It has since brought the feature to Android as well.
Additionally, online money sending service Paypal rolled out mobile check deposits to its iPhone app earlier this month.
PNC first introduced the feature to select business and Virtual Wallet customers last month. Today's announcement brings it to everyone with a PNC account that can accept check deposits at an ATM.
"There has been unprecedented change in consumer preferences and customers' relationship with their money. Mobile deposit is another way that PNC makes it easier for customers to achieve their financial goals with innovative products and new technology," said PNC senior VP Tom Kunz in a statement.
The Pittsburgh-based financial institution launched the feature on iOS today. It works by letting users log into their checking or savings account, then taking pictures of the front and back of the check.
The same kind of technology used for ATM deposits analyzes the check to automatically identify its account and routing numbers, as well as the dollar amount. It must be able to identify all of this information or the deposit will be rejected.
PNC, which has been criticized for its anti-consumer attitude and worst-in-class assessment of fees, has been trying to turn its image around. This is the latest move in that direction.
However, PNC isn't the first to offer this service. Chase became the flagship bank when it launched mobile deposits through its iPhone app last year. It has since brought the feature to Android as well.
Additionally, online money sending service Paypal rolled out mobile check deposits to its iPhone app earlier this month.
PNC first introduced the feature to select business and Virtual Wallet customers last month. Today's announcement brings it to everyone with a PNC account that can accept check deposits at an ATM.
"There has been unprecedented change in consumer preferences and customers' relationship with their money. Mobile deposit is another way that PNC makes it easier for customers to achieve their financial goals with innovative products and new technology," said PNC senior VP Tom Kunz in a statement.
iOS 5
Apple announced today that it plans to introduce the next generation of its mobile platform, iOS 5, as well as a new cloud service called iCloud at the Worldwide Developers Conference next week on Monday, June 6. This is a highly unusual move for Apple, which normally tries to keep their center-ring announcements secret until the scheduled event.
In a press release, Apple says that iOS 5 will be unveiled alongside iCloud and OS X 10.7 Lion. However, there are no follow-up details on any of the software; the only official tidbit on iCloud is that it is an "upcoming cloud services offering."
There have been unofficial trickles of information on all three products over the last few months. iCloud isrumored to be a "digital locker" type service, not unlike Amazon's recently released cloud services for storing music. iOS 5 is expected to be a major overhaul to the operating system and may include features like over-the-air updates and a new mapping capability, though it will likely not make its way to related devices until this coming fall.
The week before any Apple event is often a time of rabid speculation and digging on the part of news outlets because Apple usually tries so hard to keep its new products under lock and key. Now that Apple is trying to take control of the information flow nearly a week before WWDC starts on June 6, we wonder if we'll see more official details emerge on iOS 5 and iCloud in the next few days.
In a press release, Apple says that iOS 5 will be unveiled alongside iCloud and OS X 10.7 Lion. However, there are no follow-up details on any of the software; the only official tidbit on iCloud is that it is an "upcoming cloud services offering."
There have been unofficial trickles of information on all three products over the last few months. iCloud isrumored to be a "digital locker" type service, not unlike Amazon's recently released cloud services for storing music. iOS 5 is expected to be a major overhaul to the operating system and may include features like over-the-air updates and a new mapping capability, though it will likely not make its way to related devices until this coming fall.
The week before any Apple event is often a time of rabid speculation and digging on the part of news outlets because Apple usually tries so hard to keep its new products under lock and key. Now that Apple is trying to take control of the information flow nearly a week before WWDC starts on June 6, we wonder if we'll see more official details emerge on iOS 5 and iCloud in the next few days.
The launch site in South Dakota of a number of notable balloon flights won't become a National Historic Landmark any time soon.
The Rapid City Journal reports that the Landmarks Committee of the National Park System Advisory Board has tabled the Stratobowl's landmark nomination indefinitely.
The Stratobowl is surrounded on most sides by 400-foot cliffs that block crosswinds. It served as the launch site for pioneering balloon launches dating back to the 1930s that helped pave the way for the U.S. space program.
National Park Service officials wanted it designated as a landmark, but some property owners in the valley southwest of Rapid City objected in part because they worried about an influx of tourists.
The Rapid City Journal reports that the Landmarks Committee of the National Park System Advisory Board has tabled the Stratobowl's landmark nomination indefinitely.
The Stratobowl is surrounded on most sides by 400-foot cliffs that block crosswinds. It served as the launch site for pioneering balloon launches dating back to the 1930s that helped pave the way for the U.S. space program.
National Park Service officials wanted it designated as a landmark, but some property owners in the valley southwest of Rapid City objected in part because they worried about an influx of tourists.
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Dhaka's chief metropolitan magistrate M A Salam on Tuesday gave the order after taking the testimony of plaintiff Mohammad Khabir Uddin, father of Towfique Ahmed Hasan, a second-year student at Stamford University.
Earlier in the day, Khabir filed a case against four RAB-10 officers charging them with picking his son up from Dhaka Central Jail gate.
Hasan was arrested along with two others with posters of the banned Islamist outfit Hizb ut-Tahrir on Feb 22 from the city's Siddheshwari Balur Math area.
He secured bail on May 13 in the case filed following the arrest, but Khabir, quoting police and jail sources, claimed that RAB personnel, in plain clothes, picked up his son.
"A group of four to five people dragged Hasan into a microbus as soon as he came out of the jail at 10pm," Khabir said.
In his case details, he made deputy assistant director Mohammad Harun, Flight Lieutenant Mohammad Emon, Dhaka Central Jail senior superintendent Touhidul Islam and its deputy jailer Mohammad Imran Hossain accused of concealing his son.
Will Smith
Will Smith, the multi-award winning American actor, is reportedly the favourite to land the lead role in Quentin Tarantino's new movie 'DjangoUnchained', however, 'The Wire' star Idris Elba has emerged as another candidate for the part. According to, Will Smith is the front-runner for the controversial new flick, but a series of tweets from Elba have begun a new wave of speculation.
The movie, scheduled for release in 2013, follows the story of a freed slave who enlists the help of a German bounty hunter to track down his slave wife and liberate her from an evil plantation owner. It was previously reported that Will Smith had been "informally offered" the role of the slave, but Idris Elba may also be in line for the part. In a series of tweets, the 'Luther' star told followers, "Having one of the biggest meetings of my professional life today.meeting a very controversial director for a very controversial part". The internet became alive with rumours that Elba was meeting with Tarantino to discuss the lead role in 'Django Unchained'. Responding to the speculation, Elba tweeted again, saying, "I wish I could tell you more due time. On the plane to the destination of my fate...ok.. a lil dramatic..destination of my life..?"
Will Smith's upcoming filming schedule could cause problems with a role in Tarantino's new movie. He is currently shooting 'Men In Black Iii' in New York City, and is scheduled to begin work on an untitled sci-fi project by Lana Wachowski and ANDY WACHOWSKI.
The movie, scheduled for release in 2013, follows the story of a freed slave who enlists the help of a German bounty hunter to track down his slave wife and liberate her from an evil plantation owner. It was previously reported that Will Smith had been "informally offered" the role of the slave, but Idris Elba may also be in line for the part. In a series of tweets, the 'Luther' star told followers, "Having one of the biggest meetings of my professional life today.meeting a very controversial director for a very controversial part". The internet became alive with rumours that Elba was meeting with Tarantino to discuss the lead role in 'Django Unchained'. Responding to the speculation, Elba tweeted again, saying, "I wish I could tell you more due time. On the plane to the destination of my fate...ok.. a lil dramatic..destination of my life..?"
Will Smith's upcoming filming schedule could cause problems with a role in Tarantino's new movie. He is currently shooting 'Men In Black Iii' in New York City, and is scheduled to begin work on an untitled sci-fi project by Lana Wachowski and ANDY WACHOWSKI.
Vanessa Minnillo
Vanessa Minnillo has a head start on love rival Jessica Simpson in their race down the aisle.
The 30-year-old former MTV host threw a lavish wedding shower with fiancé Nick Lachey, 37, on last night at the London West Hollywood hotel in Los Angeles.
The couple rented out the lavish roof top pool garden for the party and celebrity guests including NFL star Matt Leinhart and the groom-to-be’s brother, Dancing with the Stars champion Drew Lachey.
The romantic location, which boasts city views, was decorated with white couches, chairs and ottomans on the grassy lawn, reports Us Magazine in America, and guests danced to a DJ in the lounge area.
The British-themed hotel is located just off the famous Sunset Strip and is home to Gordon Ramsay’s fine dining restaurant, The London.
Lachey and Minnillo have been dating for four years and got engaged last November, just one week before the 98 Degrees singer’s ex-wife Jessica Simpson announced that she was tying the knot with former NFL player Eric Johnson.
It was a busy weekend for Simpson’s ex-boyfriends - Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo (whom she split from in 2009) married beauty queen Candice Crawford on Saturday.
The 30-year-old former MTV host threw a lavish wedding shower with fiancé Nick Lachey, 37, on last night at the London West Hollywood hotel in Los Angeles.
The couple rented out the lavish roof top pool garden for the party and celebrity guests including NFL star Matt Leinhart and the groom-to-be’s brother, Dancing with the Stars champion Drew Lachey.
The romantic location, which boasts city views, was decorated with white couches, chairs and ottomans on the grassy lawn, reports Us Magazine in America, and guests danced to a DJ in the lounge area.
The British-themed hotel is located just off the famous Sunset Strip and is home to Gordon Ramsay’s fine dining restaurant, The London.
Lachey and Minnillo have been dating for four years and got engaged last November, just one week before the 98 Degrees singer’s ex-wife Jessica Simpson announced that she was tying the knot with former NFL player Eric Johnson.
It was a busy weekend for Simpson’s ex-boyfriends - Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo (whom she split from in 2009) married beauty queen Candice Crawford on Saturday.
The Naval Support Activity in Hampden Township is looking to honor veterans of one of the most decisive battles in World War II history.
This Saturday marks the 69th anniversary of the start of the Battle of Midway, which took place between June 4-6, 1942.
U.S. forces destroyed four of the six Japanese aircraft carriers that participated in the Dec. 7, 1941, sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. Many historians consider Midway the turning point in the Pacific War.
In salute of this victory, the navy base will conduct a wreath laying ceremony Friday at 9 a.m. in front of a saluting gun that was mounted on the U.S.S. Hornet, one of the U.S. carriers that participated in the battle.
While this event will not be open to the public, the base is inviting to the ceremony Midway survivors and their family members along with all World War II-era Navy and Marine Corps veterans and their families.
To participate, readers should contact Mike Randazzo, base communications director, at 605-2448 ormichael.randazzo@navy if they are interested in participating.
• In other military news, Northern High School junior John "Jack" Krimmel recently won a $300 savings bond after placing third in the first-ever "Youth LDRSHIP Essay Contest" sponsored by the Harrisburg Recruiting Battalion and the Society of Professional Journalist's Keystone Pro Chapter.
Krimmel was one of nearly 30 high school juniors and seniors throughout Pennsylvania who answered how their high school experience prepared them for their future goals. To answer the question, students had to include at least one of the Army's core values - Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage - or LDRSHIP.
In his essay, Krimmel wrote how high school led him to pursue a career in music education after he graduates. The core values he chose were loyalty and duty.
North Middleton Township
Construction is well underway on the joint compost facility North Middleton Township plans to share with neighboring Middlesex Township. The goal is to have the facility ready by July for residents to dispose of brush and leaves. Information on days and hours of operation will be posted on the township website
Meanwhile, North Middleton is looking for volunteers to monitor the new facility during hours of operation. Those interested should provide contact information to the township office at 243-8550 or by email
South Middleton Township
The supervisors last week authorized staff to submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for a future four-way traffic signal at the proposed intersection of Fairfield Drive and York Road.
Supervisor Chairman Tom Faley said the township wanted to submit the application now so the state agency can start to process it before FM Carlisle LLC submits a plan to redevelop the Carlisle Farmers Market site on York Road near the Interstate 81 interchange.
As part of that, the developer has proposed the construction of a two-lane roadway from the intersection of York Road and Fairfield Drive, through the existing parking lot and over to Petersburg Road.
It is hoped a signal at the intersection could alleviate some of the delays motorists experience while waiting for traffic to clear on York Road so they turn left from Petersburg Road.
West Pennsboro Township
The supervisors last week adopted an ordinance that implements an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with Newville Borough for the operation of a joint compost facility. This agreement will enable both municipalities to expand and share a facility already owned and operated by Newville Borough at the old reservoir on South High Street. The borough facility could start to accept yard waste from the township by June.
The supervisors also authorized Township Manager John Epley to release bid specifications to prospective contractors interested in maybe providing consulting services for the Big Spring Master Plan.
The township recently received a $22,500 matching grant from the state Department of Community and Economic Development to pay half the costs of hiring a consultant to prepare a strategy for the Big Spring Heights section of the township.
The comprehensive master plan will identify possible sources of funding along with cost estimates and a proposed timetable for a wide range of public improvement projects.
The remaining half of the projected costs will be funded by $10,000 in Community Development Block Grant money from Cumberland County and $12,500 to be split evenly between Big Spring School District, the township, Newville Borough and Newville Water and Sewer Authority.
This Saturday marks the 69th anniversary of the start of the Battle of Midway, which took place between June 4-6, 1942.
U.S. forces destroyed four of the six Japanese aircraft carriers that participated in the Dec. 7, 1941, sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. Many historians consider Midway the turning point in the Pacific War.
In salute of this victory, the navy base will conduct a wreath laying ceremony Friday at 9 a.m. in front of a saluting gun that was mounted on the U.S.S. Hornet, one of the U.S. carriers that participated in the battle.
While this event will not be open to the public, the base is inviting to the ceremony Midway survivors and their family members along with all World War II-era Navy and Marine Corps veterans and their families.
To participate, readers should contact Mike Randazzo, base communications director, at 605-2448 ormichael.randazzo@navy if they are interested in participating.
• In other military news, Northern High School junior John "Jack" Krimmel recently won a $300 savings bond after placing third in the first-ever "Youth LDRSHIP Essay Contest" sponsored by the Harrisburg Recruiting Battalion and the Society of Professional Journalist's Keystone Pro Chapter.
Krimmel was one of nearly 30 high school juniors and seniors throughout Pennsylvania who answered how their high school experience prepared them for their future goals. To answer the question, students had to include at least one of the Army's core values - Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless-Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage - or LDRSHIP.
In his essay, Krimmel wrote how high school led him to pursue a career in music education after he graduates. The core values he chose were loyalty and duty.
North Middleton Township
Construction is well underway on the joint compost facility North Middleton Township plans to share with neighboring Middlesex Township. The goal is to have the facility ready by July for residents to dispose of brush and leaves. Information on days and hours of operation will be posted on the township website
Meanwhile, North Middleton is looking for volunteers to monitor the new facility during hours of operation. Those interested should provide contact information to the township office at 243-8550 or by email
South Middleton Township
The supervisors last week authorized staff to submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for a future four-way traffic signal at the proposed intersection of Fairfield Drive and York Road.
Supervisor Chairman Tom Faley said the township wanted to submit the application now so the state agency can start to process it before FM Carlisle LLC submits a plan to redevelop the Carlisle Farmers Market site on York Road near the Interstate 81 interchange.
As part of that, the developer has proposed the construction of a two-lane roadway from the intersection of York Road and Fairfield Drive, through the existing parking lot and over to Petersburg Road.
It is hoped a signal at the intersection could alleviate some of the delays motorists experience while waiting for traffic to clear on York Road so they turn left from Petersburg Road.
West Pennsboro Township
The supervisors last week adopted an ordinance that implements an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with Newville Borough for the operation of a joint compost facility. This agreement will enable both municipalities to expand and share a facility already owned and operated by Newville Borough at the old reservoir on South High Street. The borough facility could start to accept yard waste from the township by June.
The supervisors also authorized Township Manager John Epley to release bid specifications to prospective contractors interested in maybe providing consulting services for the Big Spring Master Plan.
The township recently received a $22,500 matching grant from the state Department of Community and Economic Development to pay half the costs of hiring a consultant to prepare a strategy for the Big Spring Heights section of the township.
The comprehensive master plan will identify possible sources of funding along with cost estimates and a proposed timetable for a wide range of public improvement projects.
The remaining half of the projected costs will be funded by $10,000 in Community Development Block Grant money from Cumberland County and $12,500 to be split evenly between Big Spring School District, the township, Newville Borough and Newville Water and Sewer Authority.
Basketball Wives
The third season of hit VH1 show, “Basketball Wives” premiered last night and it was even more sensational than last season.
A preview of what was to come this season was evident on Twitter May 17th, when the ladies of the show posted nasty messages aimed at each other. Evelyn posted a message directed at Tami on her Twitter page, writing “@TamiRoman This ain’t OVER! #subliminaltweet” Later, Tami responded “You’re DEAD! F— a subliminal tweet! U messed w/the wrong 1 trick @EvelynLozada @iamjennifer.”
As the show aired, viewers were caught up to speed on the “situation,” in which it seems everyone has a problem with Evelyn and Jennifer. During the episode, its clear who’s friends and who are not; Tami is at war with Evelyn, Suzie isn’t talking to Evelyn and Jennifer, and Royce is at odds with them both plus Shaunie.
Almost 15 minutes into the episode, Tami confronts Evelyn on producing “You’re A Non F’N Factor, Bitch” t-shirts with a term she coined while cursing out Tami on a previous episode. Tami threatens to sue and pursues it later in the episode. When Tami presents Evelyn with legal papers, she rips them up causing pure chaos between the two.
That wasn’t the only drama, Royce shared her distaste for Evelyn while taping. She said, “Like you said, she’s a jump-off, I’m just gonna say she’s a ho.” A few punches are ultimately thrown between the two and are broken up by security.
Drama that didn’t involve physical violence was also evident in this episode that also introduced viewers to new cast member, Meeka Claxton. Claxton is the wife of former NBA champ, Speedy Claxton, who runs a global real estate company. She plays both sides during the episode, revealing everything that was said and done with each of the cast mates. All sides see Claxton as a troublemaker and if she’s spilling the beans about everybody now, it’s only going to get uglier in future episodes.
Oh, if this was the only the first episode and this much drama took place, we foresee a juicy season ahead.
A preview of what was to come this season was evident on Twitter May 17th, when the ladies of the show posted nasty messages aimed at each other. Evelyn posted a message directed at Tami on her Twitter page, writing “@TamiRoman This ain’t OVER! #subliminaltweet” Later, Tami responded “You’re DEAD! F— a subliminal tweet! U messed w/the wrong 1 trick @EvelynLozada @iamjennifer.”
As the show aired, viewers were caught up to speed on the “situation,” in which it seems everyone has a problem with Evelyn and Jennifer. During the episode, its clear who’s friends and who are not; Tami is at war with Evelyn, Suzie isn’t talking to Evelyn and Jennifer, and Royce is at odds with them both plus Shaunie.
Almost 15 minutes into the episode, Tami confronts Evelyn on producing “You’re A Non F’N Factor, Bitch” t-shirts with a term she coined while cursing out Tami on a previous episode. Tami threatens to sue and pursues it later in the episode. When Tami presents Evelyn with legal papers, she rips them up causing pure chaos between the two.
That wasn’t the only drama, Royce shared her distaste for Evelyn while taping. She said, “Like you said, she’s a jump-off, I’m just gonna say she’s a ho.” A few punches are ultimately thrown between the two and are broken up by security.
Drama that didn’t involve physical violence was also evident in this episode that also introduced viewers to new cast member, Meeka Claxton. Claxton is the wife of former NBA champ, Speedy Claxton, who runs a global real estate company. She plays both sides during the episode, revealing everything that was said and done with each of the cast mates. All sides see Claxton as a troublemaker and if she’s spilling the beans about everybody now, it’s only going to get uglier in future episodes.
Oh, if this was the only the first episode and this much drama took place, we foresee a juicy season ahead.
Portable Air Conditioner
We were in denial about our air-conditioning needs at first. We've had such an inconsistent spring - it left us wondering if we'll have a mild summer. Maybe we won't need that portable air conditioner after all?
Then, Memorial Day weekend hit. (What was the weather like in your neck of the woods?) In New York City, the temperature went past 80 degrees. Hello heat! Now what?
My boyfriend and I sweltered in our apartment for one night. Then, we tried the Honeywell QuietSet 8 Speed Tower Fan - anything to keep us from those scary summer electric bills after you have the air conditioner blasting for hours on end. We had such high hopes, but found ourselves sweating bullets regardless. That super-fan, as sweet as it is, didn't cut it. Thanks, humidity.
We decided to surrender to buying an air conditioner, but first, we needed guidance. If we're going to make the investment of $200+, we better get this right. No returns, no regrets, no buyer's remorse, please. So we followed these tips:
Size matters
The BTU is a number used to describe the energy content of fuels - how powerful it can heat or cool. In order to sufficiently cool a room, your air conditioner has to be strong enough to handle the area. If you buy one that's too strong, you could be wasting money. If you buy one that is too weak, then you won't be cooling efficiently. Visit the Air Conditioning Calculator on to estimate your BTU needs.
Read reviews
Once you've got your BTU figured out, you can visit Consumer Reports for their recommended brands and models. Don't forget to check out user reviews to see who's happy with their units.
So what did we end up getting? After all the research, we went with the Frigidaire 12,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner(pictured) in white for $299.99. We installed it in the hallway window to cool all 650 square feet of my cozy Manhattan apartment. So far, so good. Now let's just hope that first summer electric bill doesn't shock us.
Then, Memorial Day weekend hit. (What was the weather like in your neck of the woods?) In New York City, the temperature went past 80 degrees. Hello heat! Now what?
My boyfriend and I sweltered in our apartment for one night. Then, we tried the Honeywell QuietSet 8 Speed Tower Fan - anything to keep us from those scary summer electric bills after you have the air conditioner blasting for hours on end. We had such high hopes, but found ourselves sweating bullets regardless. That super-fan, as sweet as it is, didn't cut it. Thanks, humidity.
We decided to surrender to buying an air conditioner, but first, we needed guidance. If we're going to make the investment of $200+, we better get this right. No returns, no regrets, no buyer's remorse, please. So we followed these tips:
Size matters
The BTU is a number used to describe the energy content of fuels - how powerful it can heat or cool. In order to sufficiently cool a room, your air conditioner has to be strong enough to handle the area. If you buy one that's too strong, you could be wasting money. If you buy one that is too weak, then you won't be cooling efficiently. Visit the Air Conditioning Calculator on to estimate your BTU needs.
Read reviews
Once you've got your BTU figured out, you can visit Consumer Reports for their recommended brands and models. Don't forget to check out user reviews to see who's happy with their units.
So what did we end up getting? After all the research, we went with the Frigidaire 12,000 BTU Window Air Conditioner(pictured) in white for $299.99. We installed it in the hallway window to cool all 650 square feet of my cozy Manhattan apartment. So far, so good. Now let's just hope that first summer electric bill doesn't shock us.
Ohio State
There are so many issues connected to Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel’s “resignation”Monday that it is difficult to know where to begin.
Let’s start with this: Tressel resigned the way Richard Nixon resigned. Even with his hapless bosses, Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee and Athletic Director Gene Smith, trying to push back the growing wave of accusations, Tressel finally ran out of the nine lives given to a coach with a record of 106-22.
What happened Monday is pretty easy to figure out: Ohio State goes before the NCAA infractions committee Aug. 12. To enter that hearing with Tressel still in place as football coach would have sent the following message to the committee: “We’re Ohio State. This coach wins most of the time and beats Michigan all the time. We don’t care that his program was apparently out of control or that he engaged in a cover-up of clear NCAA rules violations. We have some tickets here for our opener next month. Would one of you like to dot the ‘i’?”
That probably wouldn’t play well in that room. That’s why Tressel had to go.
Even so, there are still myriad questions surrounding the Ohio State football program.
Exactly how widespread were the violations that ex-players are saying were commonplace?
Exactly how long can Smith keep his job after declaring on Dec. 23 that the memorabilia-for- tattoos episode “an isolated incident”? Or, more specifically, why should he keep his job? survive?
As recently as two weeks ago, Smith insisted he supported Tressel. In March, when reports first surfaced that Tressel had covered up for players who should have been ineligible at the start of last season, Smith did a fly-by for a quickie news conference in Columbus, then raced back to serve his role as NCAA men’s basketball committee chairman. With his house was burning down, Smith came home just long enough to make sure the doors were locked.
As for Gee, how can anyone connected to Ohio State want the bow-tied president around for even five more minutes? He already made a fool of himself with his whiny comments about non-BCS teams last fall (which, to his credit, he admitted were ridiculous after being blasted nationally ) and then, just to prove that bit of stupidity wasn’t a fluke, he made his incredible, “I’m just hopeful the coach doesn’t fire me,” wisecrack during that March news conference.
Everyone needs to be fired at Ohio State — except maybe for the band director.
With Tressel packing up his office, Ohio State will argue that the person most responsible for the scandal is gone,and, thus, the NCAA need not come down as hard on the Buckeyes’ football program as it did on Southern California. It’s a nice thought, but Tressel’s absence shouldn’t influence the committee at all. USC is not the precedent here.
The precedent should be a 21-year-old case that
involved Maryland basketball under the regime of Bob Wade. If you go back and study the case, the violations Maryland was accused of were not as serious or as widespread as those in the Ohio State case. Wade had been fired, but Maryland got nailed with a one-year television ban and a two-year postseason ban because Wade had lied to NCAA investigators.
Let’s start with this: Tressel resigned the way Richard Nixon resigned. Even with his hapless bosses, Ohio State President E. Gordon Gee and Athletic Director Gene Smith, trying to push back the growing wave of accusations, Tressel finally ran out of the nine lives given to a coach with a record of 106-22.
What happened Monday is pretty easy to figure out: Ohio State goes before the NCAA infractions committee Aug. 12. To enter that hearing with Tressel still in place as football coach would have sent the following message to the committee: “We’re Ohio State. This coach wins most of the time and beats Michigan all the time. We don’t care that his program was apparently out of control or that he engaged in a cover-up of clear NCAA rules violations. We have some tickets here for our opener next month. Would one of you like to dot the ‘i’?”
That probably wouldn’t play well in that room. That’s why Tressel had to go.
Even so, there are still myriad questions surrounding the Ohio State football program.
Exactly how widespread were the violations that ex-players are saying were commonplace?
Exactly how long can Smith keep his job after declaring on Dec. 23 that the memorabilia-for- tattoos episode “an isolated incident”? Or, more specifically, why should he keep his job? survive?
As recently as two weeks ago, Smith insisted he supported Tressel. In March, when reports first surfaced that Tressel had covered up for players who should have been ineligible at the start of last season, Smith did a fly-by for a quickie news conference in Columbus, then raced back to serve his role as NCAA men’s basketball committee chairman. With his house was burning down, Smith came home just long enough to make sure the doors were locked.
As for Gee, how can anyone connected to Ohio State want the bow-tied president around for even five more minutes? He already made a fool of himself with his whiny comments about non-BCS teams last fall (which, to his credit, he admitted were ridiculous after being blasted nationally ) and then, just to prove that bit of stupidity wasn’t a fluke, he made his incredible, “I’m just hopeful the coach doesn’t fire me,” wisecrack during that March news conference.
Everyone needs to be fired at Ohio State — except maybe for the band director.
With Tressel packing up his office, Ohio State will argue that the person most responsible for the scandal is gone,and, thus, the NCAA need not come down as hard on the Buckeyes’ football program as it did on Southern California. It’s a nice thought, but Tressel’s absence shouldn’t influence the committee at all. USC is not the precedent here.
The precedent should be a 21-year-old case that
involved Maryland basketball under the regime of Bob Wade. If you go back and study the case, the violations Maryland was accused of were not as serious or as widespread as those in the Ohio State case. Wade had been fired, but Maryland got nailed with a one-year television ban and a two-year postseason ban because Wade had lied to NCAA investigators.
Looks like Snooki has already encountered drama in Italy -- but it has nothing to do with booze or boys.
The "Jersey Shore" star was taken to a police station to fill out an accident report on Monday after she was involved in a fender bender with a patrol car in Florence, Italian police confirm to PEOPLE.
Deena Nicole Cortese and a member of the show's production team were also in the Fiat Multipla when Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, who was driving, crashed into the back of a traffic patrol car, sandwiching her vehicle between the highway wall and the police cruiser. No one was in serious condition, although a male and female police officer were taken to the emergency room of the local Careggi hospital to be treated for whiplash, bruises and cuts.
Polizzi and Cortese refused medial treatment, police say.
The irony? The police car Polizzi collided with was an escort appointed for their personal safety.
Snooki and Cortese were taken into the central police station of Florence to file routine paperwork -- not because they had been arrested, police say.
The "Jersey Shore" crew is currently in Italy filming season four of the MTV series.
The "Jersey Shore" star was taken to a police station to fill out an accident report on Monday after she was involved in a fender bender with a patrol car in Florence, Italian police confirm to PEOPLE.
Deena Nicole Cortese and a member of the show's production team were also in the Fiat Multipla when Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, who was driving, crashed into the back of a traffic patrol car, sandwiching her vehicle between the highway wall and the police cruiser. No one was in serious condition, although a male and female police officer were taken to the emergency room of the local Careggi hospital to be treated for whiplash, bruises and cuts.
Polizzi and Cortese refused medial treatment, police say.
The irony? The police car Polizzi collided with was an escort appointed for their personal safety.
Snooki and Cortese were taken into the central police station of Florence to file routine paperwork -- not because they had been arrested, police say.
The "Jersey Shore" crew is currently in Italy filming season four of the MTV series.
Lisa Raye
There were rumors circulating in early May that Lisa Raye and Stacey Dash were involved in a physical altercation. Lisa Raye has publicly addressed those rumors stating that they are indeed false and that there was no fight between the two actresses.
The fight was rumored to have taken place on the set of Single Ladies. Lisa Raye addressed the issue, along with other things, on the Wendy Williams Show. She stated that she is too grown to fight and that she doesn’t have a problem with Stacey Dash.
Lisa Raye also went on to discuss her ex-husband and his cheating on her.
Stacey Dash is an actress who is mostly noted for her role in the movie Clueless. She is related to hip hop mogul Dame Dash.
The fight was rumored to have taken place on the set of Single Ladies. Lisa Raye addressed the issue, along with other things, on the Wendy Williams Show. She stated that she is too grown to fight and that she doesn’t have a problem with Stacey Dash.
Lisa Raye also went on to discuss her ex-husband and his cheating on her.
Stacey Dash is an actress who is mostly noted for her role in the movie Clueless. She is related to hip hop mogul Dame Dash.
Anthony Weiner
After Congressman Anthony Weiner's twitter feed was hacked, prompting a lewd photo of someone's bulging underpantsto be sent to Gennette Nicole Cordova of Seattle, Weiner has hired a lawyer.
The Congressman said that the photo was a prank and nothing more, and that police action wasn't necessary. "[The incident] was a prank," he told theNew York Post. "It was intended to distract. I'm not going to let it do it."
On Sunday Cordova, a 21-year-old college student, wrote a post in the Daily News about the incident. She says that the people who initially harassed her about the photo on Twitter had done so before, months back, when the Congressman first started 'following' her.
Annoyed, I responded with something along the lines of "are you f***ing kidding me?" and "I've never seen this. You people are sick." I blocked their accounts, made my page private, and let the matter drop, expecting them to eventually do the same. broke the story, but according to Gawker the man credited with first reporting the picture was Dan Wolfe, a man who describes himself on his twitter feed as a "Conservative Reagan Republican" and whose avatar is of Reagan himself. Wolfe denies that he hacked or invented the scandal, saying on twitter that "I do not work for Breitbart. I did not set up Weiner. I did not lie or hack anything it was real." But going down his feed Wolfe becomes increasingly annoyed at the accusations. "Yeah, at this point. I don't care. Either arrest me, press charges, etc. or shut up. If there is a crime why no charges?"
It's still not clear how or why Cordova was targeted. Congressman Weiner for his part is trying to keep things light twitter, amidst his tweets about hockey, TiVo and digs at his fellow representatives, he writes that this scandal will add fodder to an easy target -- his name. "More Weiner Jokes for all my guests! #Hacked!"
The Congressman said that the photo was a prank and nothing more, and that police action wasn't necessary. "[The incident] was a prank," he told theNew York Post. "It was intended to distract. I'm not going to let it do it."
On Sunday Cordova, a 21-year-old college student, wrote a post in the Daily News about the incident. She says that the people who initially harassed her about the photo on Twitter had done so before, months back, when the Congressman first started 'following' her.
Annoyed, I responded with something along the lines of "are you f***ing kidding me?" and "I've never seen this. You people are sick." I blocked their accounts, made my page private, and let the matter drop, expecting them to eventually do the same. broke the story, but according to Gawker the man credited with first reporting the picture was Dan Wolfe, a man who describes himself on his twitter feed as a "Conservative Reagan Republican" and whose avatar is of Reagan himself. Wolfe denies that he hacked or invented the scandal, saying on twitter that "I do not work for Breitbart. I did not set up Weiner. I did not lie or hack anything it was real." But going down his feed Wolfe becomes increasingly annoyed at the accusations. "Yeah, at this point. I don't care. Either arrest me, press charges, etc. or shut up. If there is a crime why no charges?"
It's still not clear how or why Cordova was targeted. Congressman Weiner for his part is trying to keep things light twitter, amidst his tweets about hockey, TiVo and digs at his fellow representatives, he writes that this scandal will add fodder to an easy target -- his name. "More Weiner Jokes for all my guests! #Hacked!"
Call Of Duty Elite
Some may call it a brilliantly bold business opportunity, many more will call it a mean-spirited cash grab, but whatever the case, Activision is taking a serious gamble with a new subscription system for the upcoming Modern Warfare 3 called “Call of Duty Elite.”
Details are still scarce on what exactly the subscription package will entail, and Activision is still unsure about a price, but it already has players up in arms, most of whom believe $60 for a game is more than enough already.
But the COD franchise is a behemoth, shattering sales records each time a new game is release. Add to that the fact that Activision oversees another massively popular subscription-based property, World of Warcraft, which millions of player have offered up $15 a month to play, and the two ideas have now merged into something that feels a bit…unholy.
“Elite,” however, isn’t the ability to play the game online, that feature will still be standard. But then, what the hell is it? That’s what’s still becoming clear, but here are the details so far from the Wall Street Journal:
Activision plans to charge a monthly subscription fee for the service, which will provide extra content that isn’t offered on game discs sold in stores, including downloadable map packs that give players new “Call of Duty” levels to play.
Portions of the service will be free, including features inspired by Facebook Inc. that will let “Call of Duty” players meet for online gun battles with others who share various affiliations and interests.
Another feature of the service will give “Call of Duty” players tools, modeled on those from stock-trading websites, to analyze their performance within the game, gauging factors such as which weapons have been most successful for them in killing enemies.
This is all very, very strange. The first bit seems like they’re taking standard DLC, already a point of much contention in terms of price-gouging, and rolling it into a monthly package that only these “elite” members can play.
The second bit seems like yet another company trying to overcapitalize on social networking BS, as I can speak for the majority of Call of Dutyplayers when I say I don’t give a shit about the interests of the people I’m virtually shooting. And how can portions of a monthly paid subscription service be free? That sentence doesn’t even make sense.
Lastly, in-game analytics, including gun preference have been largely included in past iterations of these games, and many other shooters. Why now is this a premium feature?
There’s no price given for all this, but it’s expected to be less than say, a $8 Netflix subscription. Even still, the content described sounds like a very strange blend. “Special” maps seem like they would anger the rest of the community too much, Facebook connection is nothing more than a buzzword, and a glorified stats program certainly isn’t worth a monthly fee.
They leaked just enough information about this to piss people off, and there’s very little to calm down the howling fans now. The only consolation is that the package is still “optional,” but gamers paying $60 for the game, $50 a month for high speed internet and possibly $5-10 a month for Xbox Live, this is the last thing they want to hear ahead of the release of a highly anticipated title.
There needs to be more info about this and soon. Presumably Activision has something prepared for E3 next week, but I think they’re going to lose either way. When all the features of the service are detailed, it’s either going to seem like not enough for the money, or if it is substantial, it will feel like they’re cutting meaningful content in order to extract even more cash from loyal players.
But if this doesn’t play out right, their loyalty might finally start to falter. With Battlefield 3 gunning hard for Modern Warfare, Bobby Kotick and Activision, if they do something as decent as treat their customers with respect, it might win them enough support to make a serious dent in Call of Duty‘s armor. At this rate, with these sorts of decisions, I wouldn’t be surprised if the beast ends up eating itself in a few years time and going the way of Guitar Hero.
Details are still scarce on what exactly the subscription package will entail, and Activision is still unsure about a price, but it already has players up in arms, most of whom believe $60 for a game is more than enough already.
But the COD franchise is a behemoth, shattering sales records each time a new game is release. Add to that the fact that Activision oversees another massively popular subscription-based property, World of Warcraft, which millions of player have offered up $15 a month to play, and the two ideas have now merged into something that feels a bit…unholy.
“Elite,” however, isn’t the ability to play the game online, that feature will still be standard. But then, what the hell is it? That’s what’s still becoming clear, but here are the details so far from the Wall Street Journal:
Activision plans to charge a monthly subscription fee for the service, which will provide extra content that isn’t offered on game discs sold in stores, including downloadable map packs that give players new “Call of Duty” levels to play.
Portions of the service will be free, including features inspired by Facebook Inc. that will let “Call of Duty” players meet for online gun battles with others who share various affiliations and interests.
Another feature of the service will give “Call of Duty” players tools, modeled on those from stock-trading websites, to analyze their performance within the game, gauging factors such as which weapons have been most successful for them in killing enemies.
This is all very, very strange. The first bit seems like they’re taking standard DLC, already a point of much contention in terms of price-gouging, and rolling it into a monthly package that only these “elite” members can play.
The second bit seems like yet another company trying to overcapitalize on social networking BS, as I can speak for the majority of Call of Dutyplayers when I say I don’t give a shit about the interests of the people I’m virtually shooting. And how can portions of a monthly paid subscription service be free? That sentence doesn’t even make sense.
Lastly, in-game analytics, including gun preference have been largely included in past iterations of these games, and many other shooters. Why now is this a premium feature?
There’s no price given for all this, but it’s expected to be less than say, a $8 Netflix subscription. Even still, the content described sounds like a very strange blend. “Special” maps seem like they would anger the rest of the community too much, Facebook connection is nothing more than a buzzword, and a glorified stats program certainly isn’t worth a monthly fee.
They leaked just enough information about this to piss people off, and there’s very little to calm down the howling fans now. The only consolation is that the package is still “optional,” but gamers paying $60 for the game, $50 a month for high speed internet and possibly $5-10 a month for Xbox Live, this is the last thing they want to hear ahead of the release of a highly anticipated title.
There needs to be more info about this and soon. Presumably Activision has something prepared for E3 next week, but I think they’re going to lose either way. When all the features of the service are detailed, it’s either going to seem like not enough for the money, or if it is substantial, it will feel like they’re cutting meaningful content in order to extract even more cash from loyal players.
But if this doesn’t play out right, their loyalty might finally start to falter. With Battlefield 3 gunning hard for Modern Warfare, Bobby Kotick and Activision, if they do something as decent as treat their customers with respect, it might win them enough support to make a serious dent in Call of Duty‘s armor. At this rate, with these sorts of decisions, I wouldn’t be surprised if the beast ends up eating itself in a few years time and going the way of Guitar Hero.
Sports Illustrated
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Sports Illustrated |
"For more than a decade, Ohioans have viewed Tressel as a pillar of rectitude, and have disregarded or made excuses for the allegations and scandal that have quietly followed him throughout his career," the magazine states. "His integrity was one of the great myths of college football. Like a disgraced politician who preaches probity but is caught in lies, the Senator was not the person he purported to be."
The magazine says Tressel looked the other way when his star quarterback at YSU was taking payments from Mickey Monus, a member of YSU's board of trustees and the founder of the former Phar-Mor drugstore chain. The story quotes YSU's former president, Les Cochran, who says he relied on Tressel's word in dismissing NCAA inquiries about rule violations.
Sports Illustrated also recites allegations made by Ohio State's former star running back and Youngstown native, Maurice Clarett.
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HDFC Bank |
India's economy for the quarter ended March grew at 7.8 per cent against 9.4 per cent in the same period a year ago. The figure is lower than Reuters poll median forecast of 8.2 per cent.
At 11:25 am; Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensex was at 18334.79, up 102.73 points or 0.56 per cent. The 30-share index hit a high of 18417.50 and low of 18266.61 in early trade.
National Stock Exchange's Nifty was at 5505.05, up 31.95 points or 0.58 per cent. The broader index touched a high of 5532.95 and low of 5489.70 in trade so far.
"At present prices have tested the 20-day SMA and have face resistance at that level. Positioning of the momentum oscillators suggests a possible upside after a consolidation.
For coming trading session we maintain our view that if indices trade above 18440 / 5520 levels, then there is high probability that indices may test 185560 - 18798 / 5563 - 5636 levels. On the downside, 18151 - 18012 / 5440 - 5400 levels may act as support for the day," said Angel Broking note.
BSE Midcap Index was up 0.88 per cent and BSE Smallcap Index moved 0.48 per cent higher.
Amongst sectoral indices, BSE FMCG Index was up 1.53 per cent, BSE Realty Index moved 1.49 per cent higher and BSE Healthcare Index advanced 1.02 per cent.
DLF (2.29%), ITC (2.24%), HDFC Bank (1.68%), Jindal Steel (1.37%) and HDFC (1.18%) were the major Sensex gainers.
Reliance Communications (-1.54%), M&M (-1.22%), Hindalco (-0.86%), Cipla (-0.77%) and Bharti Airtel (-0.50%) were the top losers.
Reliance Communications posted consolidated net profit of Rs 1345.65 crore for the year ended March 2011 against Rs 4655 crore a year ago. Net sales were at Rs 22089.39 crore as compared to Rs 20685.05 crore.
Hindalco reported standalone net profit of Rs 2136.92 crore for the year ended March 31, 2011 as compared to Rs 1915.63 crore in the same period a year ago. Net sales were at Rs 23859.21 crore from Rs 19522.09 crore previous fiscal.
Market breadth was positive on the BSE with 1490 advances as compared to 877 declines.
Meanwhile, Asian markets were moved higher even as the US markets were shut. Nikkei 225 was up 1.83 per cent, Hang Seng gained 1.18 per cent and Seoul Composite moved 2.32 per cent higher.
Punj Lloyd Share Price
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Punj Lloyd Share Price |
Sharma told CNBC-TV18, "In Punj Lloyd I think one should stay out and wait for follow-up action today of course some positive news that’s why its moving up but one should wait for a proper bottoming out to happen and I would be waiting till Rs 71-72, if and when this level is crossed then only one should enter Punj Lloyd and in similar space like IVRCL and all, they are far from giving a strong buy signal."
Punj Lloyd trailing 12-month (TTM) EPS was at Rs 3.61 per share. (Dec, 2010). The stock's price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio was 18.75. The latest book value of the company is Rs 107.57 per share. At current value, the price-to-book value of the company was 0.63. The dividend yield of the company was 0.22%.
Raj Kiran
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Raj Kiran |
It was an unwelcomed plan by destiny. He played the supportive friend to Shabana Azmi in Mahesh Bhatt's Arth, and made Tum itna jo muskura rahe ho a legendary song with the actress. The actor Raj Kiran, who can immediately be recalled as the one who played Rishi Kapoor's 'pre-incarnation' in Subhash Ghai's Karz was at the peak of his career in 1970s and 80s, went missing for almost a decade and then later was assumed dead even by friends.
While most had accepted the worst, acquaintance Rishi Kapoor didn't give up.
He decided to locate the missing actor. And on his recent trip to the USA, Kapoor did what he resolved to do. He found out Raj Kiran, alive in a mental institution in Atlanta.
More than a month ago, Deepti Naval had posted on her FB wall, "Looking for a friend from the film world his name is Raj Kiran - we have no news of him - last heard he was driving a cab in NY city if anyone has any clue, please tell . . ." She was frantically searching for her friend and colleague. Now for everyone like Deepti, here is a piece of important and awakening news.
For someone who is remembered as an engaging, polite and cultured actor, it was shocking that his rumoured death could gather momentum so easily. During his trip, Rishi Kapoor met the missing actor's brother Govind Mehtani. Says Rishi, "I've been wondering where Raj had disappeared.
The question was haunting me for a very long time. Then these rumours of Raj being no more began doing the rounds. I was really disturbed. How can a colleague with whom I shared some really good times, just vanish from the face of earth? I decided to look up Raj's elder brother Govind Mehtani to find out about Raj."
It was then that the shocking truth about Raj Kiran spilled out. Says Rishi emotionally, "I was so relieved when Govind told me Raj was alive. But he was confined to an institution in Atlanta due to health problems." What's perturbing is that his family too has more or less left Raj to his own devices.
He pays for his own treatment in Atlanta. Says Rishi, "Yes, apparently, he looks after his own treatment by working within the institution. It's a heart-rending situation for an actor who was so successful at one time. But I'm just happy to know he's alive.
Raj was very well read and clever with his repartees. I used to enjoy our sparring sessions when we worked together. Though he's younger to me, we always got along really well. I miss him."
It appears that his wife with their son abandoned him at some unknown point, the shock of which he couldn't bear. The rest of his family too didn't bother, seemingly because his mood swings were intolerable and then it was far too expensive for them to get him treated.
It seems Raj went through a series of domestic crises which left him in a state of acute depression. He was apparently institutionalised in India before he left for the US where he now lives.
His family including his elder brother Govind and younger Ajit, are not in touch with him. When Rishi asked Govind for Raj's phone number, the brother didn't have it! Says Rishi, "I wanted to speak to Raj and visit him in Atlanta. But I couldn't get his contact number. I'm definitely going to visit him and urge him to return home.
Though Raj has not been working for a long time, he invested well. So he was not financially challenged by his illness."
The actor, whose dazzling smile had lit up many potboilers for two decades, giving remarkable performances in films like B R Ishaara's Kaagaz Ki Nao, Ghar Ho To Aisa with Anil Kapoor, Meenakshi Sheshadri and Deepti Naval and Kaaran apart from Subhash Ghai's hit Karz and Mahesh Bhatt's critically acclaimed Arth in the 1980s, had vanished for almost a decade.
Rishi wants to bring Raj Kiran back to Mumbai and to movies. "I want him to know we care for him. We want him back where he belongs. I'll personally help him get roles and re-establish himself in Bollywood."
- with inputs by Noyon Jyoti Parasara
The Raj Kiran I Knew...
I had worked with Raj Kiran in Arth and at that time he had never given me a reason to believe that he would ever suffer from such an organic problem. But then years later we heard about bizarre incidents that happened in Bangalore.
He had gone to Puttaparthi and there he apparently, tried to scale a wall and got violent and was accused to have attempted to assassinate Sai Baba. He was brought back to Mumbai where he was kept in a Byculla asylum.
I had gone to meet him there. Some time after that I heard his brother took him to the USA. Now I hear that he in Atlanta and again in an asylum. I had experienced Parveen going through these breakdowns. And it got worse with each breakdown.
It hurts when we see someone being reduced to such a human wreck. You actually mourn at your helplessness.
Remembering Raj
'That's awful. I always wondered where he got to. He was a wonderful actor.
We even did film together years ago. Where is his family?
- Shekhar Kapur
I always feel sad about Raj Kiran. He was a thorough gentleman as a new comer in Karz. But I guess after Karz he got too much of media hype and didn't get the success he expected. It made him disturbed apart from his personal life problems. I don't know thereafter.
- Subhash Ghai
"I am deeply, deeply sorry to hear this. I had met him several years ago at a mental institution in Mumbai and he seemed to be on his way to recovery because he had periods of lucidity.
He was so good in Arth. My heart goes out to him..."
- Shabana Azmi
"Oh my God! We have worked in many films together. He was a very good actor and very nice human being. I pray he gets well soon."
CPF Minimum Sum
The CPF minimum sum will be revised upwards to $131,000 from the previous $123,000 from July 1, announced the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in a statement on Tuesday.
The new minimum sum will apply to CPF members who turn 55 from July 1 2011 to June 30 2012.
Those who can set aside the minimum sum fully in cash can apply to commence monthly payouts of $1,170 when they reach their draw down age.
The Medisave minimum sum will also be raised to $36,000 from the previous amount of $34,500. Members will be able to withdraw their Medisave savings in excess of the Medisave minimum sum at or after age 55.
The maximum balance a member can have in the Medisave account is fixed at $5,000 above the Medisave mimumum sum.
Corresponding to the increase in the Medisave minimum sum, this ceiling would also be increased to $41,000 from $39,500.
Any Medisave contribution in excess of the prevailing ceiling will be transferred to the Special Account if the member is below 55 years old or his Retirement Account if he is above 55 and has a shortfall in his minimum sum.
The CPF board said that the revisions, which have been adjusted for inflation, are to ensure that Singaporeans have sufficient savings to meet their healthcare expenses.
The new minimum sum will apply to CPF members who turn 55 from July 1 2011 to June 30 2012.
Those who can set aside the minimum sum fully in cash can apply to commence monthly payouts of $1,170 when they reach their draw down age.
The Medisave minimum sum will also be raised to $36,000 from the previous amount of $34,500. Members will be able to withdraw their Medisave savings in excess of the Medisave minimum sum at or after age 55.
The maximum balance a member can have in the Medisave account is fixed at $5,000 above the Medisave mimumum sum.
Corresponding to the increase in the Medisave minimum sum, this ceiling would also be increased to $41,000 from $39,500.
Any Medisave contribution in excess of the prevailing ceiling will be transferred to the Special Account if the member is below 55 years old or his Retirement Account if he is above 55 and has a shortfall in his minimum sum.
The CPF board said that the revisions, which have been adjusted for inflation, are to ensure that Singaporeans have sufficient savings to meet their healthcare expenses.
Miss Ripley
On May 30th, MBC’s “Miss Ripley” kicked off to a fantastic start by ranking in first for the Monday/Tuesday time slot.
According to AGB Nielsen Media Research, the pilot episode recorded at 13.2% in viewer ratings, a definite headstart compared to KBS’s “Baby-faced Beauty“, which recorded 11%. Meanwhile, SBS’s “Lie to Me” ranked last for the time slot, recording at 10.6%.
Viewers were especially captivated by the fast pace of the story and actress Lee Da Hae’s shocking transformations, all of which developed into a plot that left them looking forward to more.
Lee Da Hae plays the role of a bar hostess who runs away from Japan in order to find a new life in Korea. She ends up lying to recruiters that she’s a Tokyo University student in order to find a job, but her lie unfortunately results in ominous consequences.
According to AGB Nielsen Media Research, the pilot episode recorded at 13.2% in viewer ratings, a definite headstart compared to KBS’s “Baby-faced Beauty“, which recorded 11%. Meanwhile, SBS’s “Lie to Me” ranked last for the time slot, recording at 10.6%.
Viewers were especially captivated by the fast pace of the story and actress Lee Da Hae’s shocking transformations, all of which developed into a plot that left them looking forward to more.
Lee Da Hae plays the role of a bar hostess who runs away from Japan in order to find a new life in Korea. She ends up lying to recruiters that she’s a Tokyo University student in order to find a job, but her lie unfortunately results in ominous consequences.
Cecilia Cheung
Another episode in the bumpy marriage of Hong Kong heartthrobs Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung was revealed yesterday when a radio announcer said the seemingly-happy couple had been involved in a long-running dispute over property.
Eileen Cha, a Hong Kong radio show host who claims to be a close friend of Tse's family, dismissed rumors that the couple had divorced but said their relationship was "rocky" after actress Cheung had her second baby and returned to the film industry while Tse concentrated on his career as a singer and actor.
Disputes, especially over money issues, had increased, Cha said, and the couple had frequent arguments.
She said Cheung had asked Tse to transfer ownership of all his properties, including a US$1 million villa Tse bought for his father, to her name. Cha said Tse had agreed but Cheung then asked Tse to sell his shares in a lucrative company that he owned.
"It seemed as though Cecilia wanted to drain Nicholas of all his assets and property - when I heard this news about Cecilia, I actually didn't really believe it myself," Cha said.
Rumors of a divorce began after reports that Cheung and Edison Chen sat together on a flight from Taiwan to Hong Kong on May 8.
Cheung was one of the women involved in a notorious photo scandal three years ago.
Cheung had been married to Tse for two years when the scandal broke after Chen indirectly caused intimate photos of Cheung and himself to be leaked onto the Internet in 2008.
Tabloid speculation that Cheung had reconciled with Chen was said to have upset Tse and had led him to demand a separation.
But Tse, who is shooting an action thriller in Malaysia, issued a statement yesterday saying he had never requested a separation.
Tse said he would take legal action against "false reports " in yesterday's Apple Daily, a Hong Kong newspaper.
Tse's agent said the actor was in good mood and would be back to Hong Kong by July.
Tse's father, Patrick, told reporters he didn't know anything about his son and daughter-in-law.
"Now everyone claims he knows an inside story. You can also write some inside stories if you like," he told a reporter in an interview with, a news website, yesterday.
Cheung was not available for comment.
The couple's marriage has weathered waves of gossip and controversy after the photo scandal.
Many praised Tse for his support for Cheung following the photo scandal.
The couple had two sons and often showed off their romance by behaving lovingly in public, winning the hearts of their many fans.
But according to Cha's radio program yesterday, this was merely a facade in the best interests of their children and their families.
Eileen Cha, a Hong Kong radio show host who claims to be a close friend of Tse's family, dismissed rumors that the couple had divorced but said their relationship was "rocky" after actress Cheung had her second baby and returned to the film industry while Tse concentrated on his career as a singer and actor.
Disputes, especially over money issues, had increased, Cha said, and the couple had frequent arguments.
She said Cheung had asked Tse to transfer ownership of all his properties, including a US$1 million villa Tse bought for his father, to her name. Cha said Tse had agreed but Cheung then asked Tse to sell his shares in a lucrative company that he owned.
"It seemed as though Cecilia wanted to drain Nicholas of all his assets and property - when I heard this news about Cecilia, I actually didn't really believe it myself," Cha said.
Rumors of a divorce began after reports that Cheung and Edison Chen sat together on a flight from Taiwan to Hong Kong on May 8.
Cheung was one of the women involved in a notorious photo scandal three years ago.
Cheung had been married to Tse for two years when the scandal broke after Chen indirectly caused intimate photos of Cheung and himself to be leaked onto the Internet in 2008.
Tabloid speculation that Cheung had reconciled with Chen was said to have upset Tse and had led him to demand a separation.
But Tse, who is shooting an action thriller in Malaysia, issued a statement yesterday saying he had never requested a separation.
Tse said he would take legal action against "false reports " in yesterday's Apple Daily, a Hong Kong newspaper.
Tse's agent said the actor was in good mood and would be back to Hong Kong by July.
Tse's father, Patrick, told reporters he didn't know anything about his son and daughter-in-law.
"Now everyone claims he knows an inside story. You can also write some inside stories if you like," he told a reporter in an interview with, a news website, yesterday.
Cheung was not available for comment.
The couple's marriage has weathered waves of gossip and controversy after the photo scandal.
Many praised Tse for his support for Cheung following the photo scandal.
The couple had two sons and often showed off their romance by behaving lovingly in public, winning the hearts of their many fans.
But according to Cha's radio program yesterday, this was merely a facade in the best interests of their children and their families.
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