Sunday, August 14, 2011

What a night

Normally I don't post during the weekend very often, but I had such an awful and eventful night out that I could not wait to share it with you and get it out of my system a little bit.
A friend from primary school, who I got back in touch with after encountering her at the hairdresser, asked me to go to the Paulus festival in Oostende. Oostende is a city by the coast, a good twenty minute's drive from where I love. Now, it's slightly dodgy there, and I like to think of it as the Bronx of Flanders, which is not a compliment.
I've been out with her before there about two times, and while it was an ok night, it was never really my scene there. But this weekend it was the Paulus festival there, so I figured that might be nicer! She's not really a close friend, as I hadn't seen her for years and years before we got back and touch, but she seemed cool still, and we were good friends as little girls. So I thought it would be nice to get to know each other again and have a new someone to go out with.

Sadly, as I anticipated, she didn't want to leave for Oostende on the tram till eleven o'clock, and it's a 45 min tramride. I really don't understand how you'd want to set out that late, but anyway, I'd promised I'd go with her so I went. But of course I also realised the festival would be pretty much over by then, and that she had no intention at all to go there, but just wanted to go drink in those dodgy clubs again. I suspect the festival was a ruse to get me to come, as she knows Oostende is not my favourite place to be at night. How were we going to get back you say? Well, as trams stop after midnight, she had told me a guy friend of hers would drive us back. He had driven us home before, and I vaguely remember he was a really fast driver. So I made sure I had my phone on me, in case I would have to ask dad to come to my aid.
Sadly, it did come to that! But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Ok so we went to this really strange club at first, where the music was incredibly loud, louder than I've ever experienced, it was unbelievable! I had a glass of wine, and a half, she had two + half of my second which she thought I wasn't drinking fast enough. Sorry if I don't drink my wine like a shot, like she did. Seeing her do that already gave me a suspicion that this night might turn out ugly. And my female intuition was right! When we got to the second bar, I told her to get a coke, as she was getting quite drunk. She got another wine instead. I wasn't really sober anymore at this point, just tipsy, but I soon had enough of drinking! She started having this emotional conversation with some dude outside, leaving me there standing awkwardly, then she had an emotional conversation with some girl she used to work with.
Then she grabbed my arm to leave (I had to hurry in to get our coats as she would have just forgotten) as she wanted to find this Ukrainian dude she liked who was in a different club. At this point she was waggling down the street, had to hold her arm so she wouldn't fall. I asked her if I should call my dad to take us home, as she was clearly too drunk already. She said nono I want to stay, I want that guy.

She made me call that Ukrainian guy, very awkward, asked him where he was as my friend wanted to find him. We then proceeded, wobbily, to another club where this guy was. Luckily he was very nice (knowing Russian helped), told him she was drunk and sorry to ring as she insisted. At this point I had rung my dad, as the situation was getting out of hand and she couldn't utter a decent sentence anymore, and he was on his way to get us. I managed to drag her out of the club to the street, as my dad would soon be there. She then needed to pee, and ran down this underground car park to find a toilet. I waited for a while, no sign of her. I then went down to find her, couldn't at first, had to talk to a group of stoners to ask them if they saw a girl.

I then found her. She had tumbled down some stairs, her shoes were off, she had peed somewhere random. I got her up and her shoes on, told her my dad had arrived now, and it was time to go home and get to bed. (although I did worry about her ability to not puke in my dad's car) She refused to go, wanted to find that Ukrainian dude again. I told her over and over, we're going home right now, my ride is here, and I'm leaving and she needed to come with me. She didn't want to, dragging her along did not help. I ran to my dad's car to tell him she didn't want to come, he told me to just let her be then and come home myself. I did not like doing this, tried one more time, running back, to get her to come, but she just didn't want to. I told her to call her ex, the guy friend who she thought might drive us, and ask him to get her home then if she didn't want to come with me. She still didn't, said she'd get home. Went back to the car, dad said just go, if she refuses, you can't make her. So we left.

That Ukrainian guy then called telling me she had called him, asked me if she was with me. I said no I'm going home, but can you please check up on her. He said he would. When I got home he called again; saying he rang her again and a guy had picked up the phone, her ex. So luckily, it seems she did have the sense to ring him, who I know is a decent guy who cares for her and would get her home. Felt relieved then, felt bad that I couldn't get her to get into the car.

Am slightly angry too though, for her stupid behavior, dragging me to all those messed up places, not listening to me at all, and for just not being a friend at all! One thing's for sure, I'm not going out in Oostende again!

What a godawful night.

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