Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Don't drunk dial the embassy

Just after lunch today I had my first extremely awkward phonecall. I had a French man on the phone who was ,after hearing him speak a few sentences, obviously drunk out of his mind. I could barely understand a word he was saying, he wasn't making much sense, and no matter what I said he kept going on and on and got more mumbly by the second. What I got from the conversation was that he wanted an Irish flag.
I quickly realised that if I didn't blow off this guy soon I would be on the phone with him for ages, listening to his incoherent mumbling. He was also getting more annoyed by the second, as was I, I kept telling him we didn't have any flags and that I couldn't understand him. "I can't understand you either!!"he answered angrily. Yes, I'm the confusing one..
I then told him to call Tourism Ireland, and as soon as he said ok, I said 'au revoir' and hung up. Phew.

Who drunk dials an embassy? And of course, stereotypical as it is, it's the 'Irish' embassy he rings. Not who I'd drunk dial. Something I'd advise to refrain from in the first place :p Luckily I'm usually lucid enough to know who I'm calling and what I'm texting, for the most part, although I might get a little bit more outspoken, just a tad ;)

At least I had some excitement today! Almost everyone here is on leave, both German colleague and the First Secretary, so I'm a tad lonely over here! Not a noise to be heard except my typing. Need my own va-cay soon, getting fed up with the office. And I'm tired of doing the accounts, it's so easy to make a mistake. I always freak out whenever I make one, usually a stupid mistype. This really isn't my area, I studied translation for crying out loud.
I do like working here, but I'm not sure if this would be the job I'd keep doing forever. Besides practically everyone here is sent out, and will leave in a few years, so even if you have nice colleagues now, you might not when they're renewed. I'd rather have done the passports instead of visas and accounts, at least not everything is looked at with a magnifying glass, checking for mistakes. So I definitely do not feel like this is the forever job for me, and I hadn't really dreamed of ending up in Brussels either.

But ah, I'm still young I suppose, hopefully life will throw something good at me soon perhaps. Something unexpected. I do love surprises.

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