Thursday, August 11, 2011

Random Thursday: internet people

Internet, ah the invention that changed the world. It's so convenient and allows us to be in touch with loved ones far away, look up things in a heartbeat, and it provides ample entertainment when bored. Sadly, it has a lot of downsides as well.

Take chatroulette for example, a website I'd advise all you to never go on unless you want to see a bunch of hairy old men wanking. Not quite the turn-on you were looking for :p Sadly a lot of kids end up there. If I have kids some day, I'll bloody well be blocking any sites like that. The things you hear sometimes are quite scary. Here are a few examples of what chatroulette is all about!

The ability to mess with people on there is pretty alluring though, look at that guy's face :D

At least he's being honest eh :p

This guy has me rolling on the floor laughing, his blog is on, and every single entry had me in stitches. Check it out if you like a laugh!

He's the most sarcastic guy in the world.

A fine example of what you'll be encountering on that site!

Too funny

And noow, facebook. Ah Facebook, the biggest peeping tom out there. You can say what you want, but we're all secretly on it to spy on friends and random people you know. 'Guess what I read on facebook!' is the new opening line for gossips. Also, it's a golden opportunity to find out how stupid many people really are.

Lesson one, don't leave your facebook open anywhere.

Lesson two: don't add your parents.
Lesson three: don't post sex stuff in your status, TMI people!

Real smart this one. What an idiot.

Lesson four: think before you post your status

Ah that Jesus.

And last but not least,! THE place for stupid questions. Behold:

Of course it's often too tempting not to mess with people.

This is exactly why sex ed should be part of the curriculum :p

And a hilarious comeback to blatant racism on Omegle!

Hope you had a laugh and have a great weekend all!

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