Thursday, February 10, 2011

Irreconcilable Differences result in splitsville for Simpson-Wentz

I kind of liked this couple.. They were different and edgy, I actually thought they had longevity. After filing for divorce, Ashlee is even trying to get custody of their two-year-old son, Bronx. Apparently, Simpson couldn't deal with his "erratic" behavior. They may be getting divorced now, but who's to say when they really seperated. I doubt this just happened out of nowhere. Celebrities have their ways to keep issues mum for long periods of time.

However, Lindsay Lohan is a different story. No more keeping mum about her sporadic behavior. What's the next crime? Murder? When the judge released her on a 40,000 dollar bail, she said, "Don't push your luck." WHAT LUCK? How about stop being a psycho screw up and go to church or something.

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