Wednesday, September 1, 2010

West Memphis 3 Rally in Robinson Center

The people behind of West Memphis 3 rally have their certain reason why they need to promote and campaign for the three men who's currently on the middle of their conviction issue. Sad to say, they are all both young to suffer a heinous crime and still asking for the right justice far from the allegations thrown after them. One is currently face a death sentence while the other two need to serve jail for the rest of their life.

West Memphis 3 Rally Photo

The West Memphis rally has been joined by more than 2-thousands people from where Johnny Depp and Eddie Vedder as well Natalie Maines joined them for their common campaign, to have a new proceedings for the freedom of those men. It is all for Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, Jr., and Jason Baldwin. The crime that put them to jail happened way back in the year 1993 and they already served a 17-years of imprisonment.

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