Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cristiano Ronaldo New Year's holidays

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Cristiano Ronaldo New Year's holidays
Sir Alex Ferguson allowed Cristiano Ronaldo to spent the New Year's holidays at home on Madeira with family and friends,and to recharge his batteries before Premier League encounter with Chelsea on Jan 11.
Ronaldo recently had a series of confrontations with opponents(Middlesbrough’s Emanuel Pogatetz, Stoke City Andy Wilkinson and Tottenham’s Michael Dawson),but the short break and a change of environment idea represents a routine at Old Trafford from which the Cristiano might benefit.In the meantime, Cristiano is in the running for the 2008 FIFA World Player of the Year. On Jan. 12 winner will be announced at the Zurich Opera House.Some of thenominees to the FIFA World Player 2008 Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka, Lionel Messi, Fernando Torres and Xavi Hernandez......

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